Hourglass Dungeon
A downloadable game for Windows
Hello everyone !
I've been working on this prototype for a roguelite game similar to The Binding of Isaac and other dungeon crawlers for around 1 to 2 months.
The goal of the game is to explore and clear each room of the level within 7 minutes, if the timer runs out, you lose !
The only replayable aspect of it is the random item drops you can get each run and the challenge of getting a better time.
This prototype is currently done, even though it's not as feature complete as I had wished, the additional work required to fully flesh out the game is currently not worth it.
This is also my first real solo dev project, using Godot and aseprite both for the first time.
Hyperlinked Credits:
Hit effects: https://luizmelo.itch.io/monsters-creatures-fantasy
Warrior character: https://xzany.itch.io/samurai-2d-pixel-art
Font: https://nimblebeastscollective.itch.io/nb-pixel-font-bundle-2 (c64esque)
Dummies: https://otsoga.itch.io/training-dummy
Cacodemon: https://elthen.itch.io/2d-pixel-art-cacodaemon-sprites
Slime: https://sethbb.itch.io/32rogues
16x16 Inputs: https://kenney.nl/assets/input-prompts-pixel-16
UI sounds: https://kenney.nl/assets/interface-sounds
Main menu music: https://www.joelsteudlermusic.com/ (Retro Games, Time Warrior)
Main gameplay music: https://www.joelsteudlermusic.com/ (Retro Games, Vampire Castle)
SFX: https://sfxr.me/
Game Over track, slime hit, door open and close: https://www.zapsplat.com/
Slime animations, Bumper, Doors and their animations, Ground and walls, UI, Trinket icons, Game icon: By Okeno (Me)
If you're still reading, hope I see you playing my next projects !
Click download now to get access to the following files:
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